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IBP - Preparing to Prepare the 21st Century Biology Student: Using Scientific Societies as Change Agents for the Introductory Biology Experience (RCN-UBE Introduction)

Author(s): Gordon Uno

University of Oklahoma

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This was the first or second RCN-UBE award made. The Introductory Biology Project (IBP) collaborated with the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) to link introductory biology instructors at the undergraduate level with high school AP…


This was the first or second RCN-UBE award made. The Introductory Biology Project (IBP) collaborated with the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) to link introductory biology instructors at the undergraduate level with high school AP Biology teachers. This RCN led to another RCN-UBE project led by Deborah Allen (FDN-UB - Faculty Development Network for Undergraduate Biology; Award #0840911) and other projects, including the development of the first Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education Research in 2015.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 17 May 2023 doi:10.25334/7DXZ-9048 - cite this


I am very interested in undergraduate science education, especially at the introductory level. This is such a large problem involving many individuals, which requires communication, networking, and sharing of information and ideas.

Project Website

Because this RCN-UBE project is completed, I am going to point you toward an active project that also focuses on introductory courses. The national project for the Interactions in General Education Life Science courses (IGELS) is a collaborative network of life scientists and life science educators providing support and mentorship for non-major biology instructors. IGELS is collecting and developing materials for use at the introductory undergraduate level.

IGELS is also developing a series of workshops in association with the NABT to which everyone is invited, and these will form the basis of regional workshops around the country. Please visit the IGELS website.

I was also PI of the first RCN-UBE Summit (RCN-UBE Summit: Learning from the Community of Education Networks; Award #1543972; 2016 Summit Web Page; Meeting Report).

If you are interested in learning more and participating please email Gordon Uno.

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