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CBEC - Cell Biology Education Consortium (RCN-UBE Introduction)

Author(s): Nathan s Reyna1, Lori L Hensley2

1. Ouachita Baptist Univeristy 2. Jacksonville State University

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The CBEC helps faculty at PUIs move cancer cell culture research into the classroom. The mechanism that provides faculty with the resources they need to do this are modular protocols called Cell Blocks. A Cell Block contains a written protocol, a…


The CBEC helps faculty at PUIs move cancer cell culture research into the classroom. The mechanism that provides faculty with the resources they need to do this are modular protocols called Cell Blocks. A Cell Block contains a written protocol, a video protocol, and teaching notes that address pedagogy and assessment.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 25 May 2023 doi:10.25334/7ZJZ-W895 - cite this


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