ImmunoReach: Incorporating Immunology into the Curriculum to Promote Interdisciplinary Science Education (RCN-UBE Introduction)
Author(s): Sumali Pandey1, Rebekah Taylor2, Louis Justement3
1. Minnesota State University Moorhead 2. Frostburg State University 3. University of Alabama at Birmingham
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Undergraduate immunology education currently faces several critical challenges: 1) immunology is a content-heavy, rapidly-evolving field, which makes “keeping up” difficult for instructors; 2) immunology-focused labs require costly infrastructure and materials, which can be particularly challenging for educators in under-resourced institutions. This proposal addresses these major deficits and the intent is to develop a suite of activities that would be ready for implementation by novice and experienced instructors at introductory and advanced levels in a range of academic settings. By creating activities for student-focused, peer-reviewed IILOs that align with the core concepts listed in the Vision and Change report (AAAS 2011), ImmunoReach will promote deeper integration of immunology with the pedagogical practices in undergraduate STEM curricula.
Ways to learn more:
Bruns, H. A., Wisenden, B. D., Vanniasinkam, T., Taylor, R. T., Elliott, S. L., Sparks-Thissen, R. L., ... & Pandey, S. (2021). Inside the undergraduate immunology classroom: current practices that provide a framework for curriculum consensus. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 22(1), ev22i1-2269.
Mixter, P. F., Kleinschmit, A. J., Lal, A., Vanniasinkam, T., Condry, D. L., Taylor, R. T., ... & Pandey, S. (2023). Immune literacy: a call to action for a system-level change. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 24(1), e00203-22.
Pandey, S., Bruns, H. A., Condry, D. L., Kleinschmit, A. J., Lal, A., Sletten, S., ... & Elliott, S. L. (2022). Antigen and Immunogen: An Investigation into the Heterogeneity of Immunology Terminology in Learning Resources. ImmunoHorizons, 6(5), 312-323.
Pandey, S., Justement, L. B., & Taylor, R. (2022). Incorporating Immunology into the Undergraduate Curriculum to Promote Interdisciplinary Science Education. The Journal of Immunology, 208(1_Supplement), 106-04.
Ways to get involved:
- Please email Sumali Pandey or send a request to join the ImmunoReach QUBES page.
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Pandey, S., Taylor, R., Justement, L. (2023). ImmunoReach: Incorporating Immunology into the Curriculum to Promote Interdisciplinary Science Education (RCN-UBE Introduction). RCN-UBE Community, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/6XZP-BF16