STEMCEL - The STEM Career Exploration Laboratory Network (RCN-UBE Introduction)
Author(s): Anjana Saxena1, Jennifer Basil1, Alam Nur-E-Kamal2, Zhongqi Cheng1, Diana Samaroo3
1. Brooklyn College - CUNY 2. Medgar Evers College - CUNY 3. City Tech - CUNY
345 total view(s), 320 download(s)
- Join STEMCEL Brooklyn College.pdf(PDF | 288 KB)
- Winter Session 2022 STEMCEL Network Flyer1.pdf(PDF | 104 KB)
- The Biology Hub - Stemcel
- STEMCEL-creative_art.png(PNG | 759 KB)
- STEMCEL.png(PNG | 76 KB)
- STEMCEL_Faculty_Day2022.png(PNG | 522 KB)
- License terms
The overarching goals of the STEMCEL incubator are to: connect biology students to civic-engagement by identifying communal needs, develop a multi-modal approach to the problem through hands-on research exploration in early laboratory courses that will train students in state-of-the art techniques, participate in building a network with peers and experts in the fields of STEM careers, and advance scientific critical thinking to provide practical solutions to real-life problems with deliverables.
Ways to learn more:
- Check out a summary of the 2022 winter session for STEMCEL
- the file "Winter Session 2022 STEMCEL Network Flyer1-22200.pdf" (110KB) will be downloaded
Ways to get involved:
- Check out the flyer included in this publication about how to get involved
- the file "Join STEMCEL Brooklyn College-22199.pdf" (300KB) will be downloaded
If you are interested in learning more and participating please email Anjana Saxena or STEMCEL.
Cite this work
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Saxena, A., Basil, J., Nur-E-Kamal, A., Cheng, Z., Samaroo, D. (2023). STEMCEL - The STEM Career Exploration Laboratory Network (RCN-UBE Introduction). RCN-UBE Community, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/6KA9-2F92