AK UNiTE - Alaska Undergraduate Research Experience: Partnering for Alaska Students by Growing Recruitment and Retention through Undergraduate Research (RCN-UBE Introduction)
Author(s): Rachael Hannah1, Alison Gardell2, Erin Larson3, Cindy Trussell1
1. University of Alaska Anchorage 2. University of Washington, Tacoma 3. Alaska Pacific University
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AK UNiTE aims to improve connections between faculty at Alaska undergraduate institutions and research partners at non-academic institutions (e.g. Tribal governments, state and federal agencies, non-profit research organizations). We facilitate a cohort-based mentor-training model and hold networking events to connect undergraduate students, faculty, and non-academic research partners. We are also beginning to facilitate the development of course-based undergraduate research experiences (CURES) implemented by faculty at Alaska undergraduate institutions and non-academic research partners.
Our overall objectives of the network are as follows:
1. Support research mentor training in culturally sensitive practices for network partners to improve research experiences for Alaskan students.
2. Create meetings and forums to enhance researchers’ strengths to implement culturally responsive and inclusive research opportunities for Alaskan students.
3. Sustain communication avenues and resources to support undergraduate research that prioritizes and makes space for relationships and partnerships to develop.
To date, the network has engaged with research partners from across Alaska, spanning a nearly 900 mile radius. We currently have 57 participants who have subscribed to our listserv, participated in research
Ways to learn more:
- Check out the archived AK UNiTE past events.
Ways to get involved:
- To join AK UNiTE and stay engaged in upcoming network communications, complete the form.
If you are interested in learning more and participating please join this group or email AK UNiTE Leadership Team.
Cite this work
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Hannah, R., Gardell, A., Larson, E., Trussell, C. (2023). AK UNiTE - Alaska Undergraduate Research Experience: Partnering for Alaska Students by Growing Recruitment and Retention through Undergraduate Research (RCN-UBE Introduction). RCN-UBE Community, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/GRYN-0P48