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Course materials for Quantifying Environmental Justice

Author(s): Jabari Jones

Bowdoin College

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Course materials for Quantifying Environmental Justice, taught as Environmental Science 4201 at University of Minnesota, Morris in Spring 2023. Description: The concept of justice has received increasing attention in environmental fields in recent…


Course materials for Quantifying Environmental Justice, taught as Environmental Science 4201 at University of Minnesota, Morris in Spring 2023. Description: The concept of justice has received increasing attention in environmental fields in recent years, particularly since the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. But the field of Environmental Justice has existed since the late 1970s, when black communities were fighting the siting of toxic facilities in their neighborhoods. In spite of this, environmental students often leave college without a strong foundation to address questions of justice. In this course, we will take a data-driven approach to questions of justice. How is justice defined and measured? What data is available to evaluate questions of justice? What skills do we need to answer these questions? We will attempt to answer those questions through readings in classic and contemporary environmental justice, lab exercises to develop statistical and geographical skills, and an intensive case study to apply our thoughts and skills to real-world questions.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 01 Jan 2024 doi:10.25334/PYKS-8W82 - cite this


This resource contains all the materials that I created for ESCI 4201 in Spring 2023. This includes labs, slides, discussion questions, as well as a reference list for readings in the course. Materials are slightly changed from the original version - for clarity, to correct some errors, and to utilize Creative Commons licensed images, but are largely unaltered from what was used in Spring 2023.

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