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Learning Journal Assignment on Learning Spaces

Author(s): Dr Pankaj Mehrotra1, Dr Peter Edwards2

1. University of the People, California 2. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia

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Learning Spaces are the zones where interaction between students & students and students & professor occurs. The learning spaces are of two types major learning space and minor learning space. Major learning Spaces where interaction…


Learning Spaces are the zones where interaction between students & students and students & professor occurs. The learning spaces are of two types major learning space and minor learning space. Major learning Spaces where interaction between students & students and students & professor occur. And minor learning spaces are spaces where interaction between student and professor occur.


This is a learning journal assignment which is primarily for teachers and other educators to understand what is a Learning Space and how can they identify and integrate learning spaces in their lessons and courses to improve learning outcomes both in science and non-science courses.

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