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Module 5: How to Collect and Press Plants in the Field

Author(s): Shawn Elizabeth Zeringue-Krosnick1, Kelly Moore1, Brittany McGuire1, Rachel May1

Tennessee Tech University

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This activity will guide students through the process of collecting fresh plant material that will be transformed into a permanent herbarium specimen. Students will make a specimen for the plant they chose to represent their family’s botanical…


This activity will guide students through the process of collecting fresh plant material that will be transformed into a permanent herbarium specimen. Students will make a specimen for the plant they chose to represent their family’s botanical history. Each student will use a field press to preserve the plant they collect and record field notes about the plant. This information will be used to prepare a permanent record label that will appear on the herbarium specimen.

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Version 1.0 - published on 07 Oct 2024 doi:10.25334/0W0E-QA35 - cite this


Students will apply their knowledge from the previous four modules to collect, press, and record field notes for their chosen plant. Each student will document information about their plant including its family, scientific name, physical features, habitat, and geographic location. Students will apply their knowledge from Module 4 to describe their plant’s characteristics, habitat, and distribution. They will prepare a herbarium specimen that documents their chosen plant and provides a summary of the plant's significance to their family.

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