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Learning Spaces in undergraduate science courses ( virtual and face to face)

Author(s): Dr Pankaj Mehrotra

University of the People, California, United States of America

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Learning Spaces are zones of interaction between undergraduates & undergraduates and undergraduates & professor. The traditional learning spaces were existing pre-pandemic however post-pandemic the learning spaces have evolved rapidly into virtual…


Learning Spaces are zones of interaction between undergraduates & undergraduates and undergraduates & professor. The traditional learning spaces were existing pre-pandemic however post-pandemic the learning spaces have evolved rapidly into virtual learning spaces and hybrid learning spaces, the reasons are development and innovation of tools, technologies and collaborations with change of composition of student population from homogenous to heterogenous. Effective utilization of Major Learning Spaces (MLS) and Minor Learning Spaces (MnLS) have enhanced the learning outcomes for both ESL and non-ESL students.


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