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Large Datasets in R - Plant Phenology & Temperature Data from NEON

Author(s): Megan A. Jones1, Lee F. Stanish2, Natalie Robinson2, Katherine D. Jones2, Cody Flagg2

1. National Ecological Observatory Network 2. National Ecological Observatory Network – Battelle

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This module series covers how to import, manipulate, format and plot time series data stored in .csv format in R. Originally designed to teach researchers to use NEON plant phenology and air temperature data; has been used in undergraduate…


This module series covers how to import, manipulate, format and plot time series data stored in .csv format in R. Originally designed to teach researchers to use NEON plant phenology and air temperature data; has been used in undergraduate classrooms.

Licensed under CC Attribution 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 10 May 2018 doi:10.25334/Q4DQ3F - cite this