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Intro to DNA Subway Blue Line

Author(s): Oliver Hyman1, Andrea Pesce2, Elizabeth Doyle2, Ray A Enke1

1. The Department of Biology, James Madison University; The Center for Genome & Metagenome Studies, James Madison University 2. James Madison University

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This is a classroom tested introductory lesson & activity to introduce DNA Barcoding and DNA Subway Blue Line. It is for novices and will fit into a 1 hr 50 min lecture or lab class period.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0.0 - published on 28 May 2018 doi:10.25334/Q48H7N - cite this

Adapted from: Using DNA Subway to Analyze Sequence Relationships v 2.0



Materials include:

  1. A lab activity (with answers included) introducing DNA Barcoding, DNA Subway Blue Line and a short Blue Line activity (HYMAN et al. 2016 DNA Subway Blue Line Lab KEY.docx)
  2. A electronic lab notebook to help students record the data they generate in Blue Line (HYMAN et al. DNA subway lab notebook entry.docx)
  3. Two slide decks that help guide students through DNA Subway Blue Line. The first slide deck is a self-guided tour for students to use on their own (HYMAN et al. DNA Subway_Independent Blue Line Practice.pptx). The second slide deck is designed for an instructor led tour in class (HYMAN et al. DNA Subway_Instructor led Blue Line Practice.pptx). 
  4. A slide deck designed to help instructors deal with common issues that can arise during blue line analyses (HYMAN et al. worked example slides for instructors.pptx).
  5. Two "unknown" Sanger sequencing reads (.ab1 files) for the Blue Line activity.

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