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Sexy Smells - A case study using preen oil composition of the Dark Eyed Junco

Author(s): Sarah Prescott1, Melissa Haswell2

1. University of New Hampshire 2. Davenport University

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Poster on a case study invites students to explore the biochemistry and physiology of pheromones using authentic data presented at the 2018 QUBES/BioQUEST Summer Workshop

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Version 2.0 - published on 19 Jun 2018 doi:10.25334/Q4K11B - cite this


This case study invites students to explore the biochemistry and physiology of pheromones using authentic data. The case used research data by Dr. Rachel Whittaker et. al. on the biochemical composition of preen oil of the dark eyed junco. Several modules were written that would be applicable to a variety of biology courses. The case was first tested in a one semester General Biochemistry course as an introduction to genomics activity. Student feedback was positive and students were excited to be able to explore this new topic using hands on investigation. Additional modules still in development will be tested in Anatomy and Physiology courses this summer and fall. The case will be submitted to the National Center for Case Study Teaching case collection later this year and will be adaptable for general biology and upper level biology courses.


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