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DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom

Author(s): Kaitlin Bonner1, Arietta Fleming-Davies2, Kristine Grayson3, Raisa Hernández-Pacheco3

1. St. John Fisher College 2. QUBES; Radford University 3. University of Richmond

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Session presentation on ecological data-centric teaching modules at the 2018 QUBES/BioQUEST Summer Workshop

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 19 Jun 2018 doi:10.25334/Q4CH8Z - cite this


In this workshop, participants will explore ecological data-centric teaching modules produced by the Data Incubator Group (DIG) in a recent Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). Participants in the FMN developed data-rich teaching materials that were published in a special issue of the Ecological Society of America’s Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology (TIEE). These modules incorporate real ecological datasets on a variety of topics including climate change, species distributions, parasitism, aquatic invertebrate communities, human diseases, and others. While exploring these datasets, students are also introduced to different data science tools, including GIS, the statistical software R, spreadsheet-based analyses, and mark-recapture software.

At the end of the workshop, we will also discuss how these materials are being used to explore a new model for Open Education Resources (OER), in which instructors publicly re-share their own modifications of others' published materials. Participants will learn about current and future opportunities to participate in this community.

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