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Math anxiety and attitudes in biology undergraduate students

Author(s): Arietta Fleming-Davies1, Jeremy M Wojdak2

1. QUBES; Radford University 2. Radford University

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Session presentation for BIOMAAP at the 2018 QUBES/BioQUEST Summer Workshop

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Version 1.0 - published on 19 Jun 2018 doi:10.25334/Q4211P - cite this


Are you interested in helping your students gain better quantitative reasoning skills, but often face a wave of resistance and even fear in the classroom? Come learn some practical and effective ways to help students become more comfortable with math, more willing to work hard to understand difficult problems, and more able to reflect on their own learning. BIOMAAP (Biology Undergraduate Math Attitudes and Anxiety Program) offers a variety of modules that are easy to include in your course as out of class assignments or as short in-class activities. Themes include metacognitive reflection, growth mindset, number sense, and more.

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