Lesson I - Introduction to Genome Solver
Author(s): Anne Rosenwald1, Gaurav Arora2, Vinayak Mathur3
1. Georgetown University 2. Gallaudet University 3. Cabrini University
2283 total view(s), 1888 download(s)
- BLASTPexerciseonsuscProtein.docx(DOCX | 283 KB)
- Part I - Introduction transcript.docx(DOCX | 151 KB)
- Part I - Introduction.pptx(PPTX | 1 MB)
- License terms
The Introduction provides a summary of the materials to be covered in the subsequent 5 lessons and discusses the goals of the Genome Solver Project as a whole.
Contained within this lesson is the powerpoint slide deck, a transcript for this slide deck, and an introductory lesson on BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) should this be necessary. Familiarity with BLAST is important for the subsequent lessons.
Materials were updated as of Fall 2018. Note that because the slide decks and exercises point to external websites and web-based tools, some of the illustrations contained in the materials may not look exactly like the live website. Functionality is usually unchanged.
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Rosenwald, A., Arora, G., Mathur, V. (2018). Lesson I - Introduction to Genome Solver. Genome Solver, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q4C14M