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Bald Eagle Module Introductory Powerpoint and Lab Report Rubric

Author(s): Dustin Wilgers

McPherson College

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Modification of "Exploring the population dynamics of wintering bald eagles through long-term data." This is a product of the 2016 Faculty Mentoring Network, Data Discovery

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 22 Oct 2018 doi:10.25334/Q43Q75 - cite this

Adapted from: Exploring the population dynamics of wintering bald eagles through long-term data v 1.0


This is the powerpoint I used to introduce the bald eagle activity. It is fairly barebones as most of my powerpoints are. I also felt it necessary to modify the lab report rubric for something in between their "short" and "full" rubrics.


Lab report rubric modified for something in between the original "short" and "full" rubrics.


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