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Tools: New tools for new science

Author(s): Harry Shum


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A collection of computational, modeling and data analysis tools developed at Microsoft Research Labs.

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Version 1.0 - published on 30 Oct 2018 doi:10.25334/Q4HH86 - cite this


Microsoft researchers have influenced almost every product Microsoft ships today.

Microsoft researchers have published more than 20,000 peer-reviewed publications.

Microsoft hosts more than 800 research interns at its worldwide labs every year.

Researchers hold national and international honors, including Turing Awards, Field Medal Honors, MacArthur fellowships, and Dijkstra Prizes.

Microsoft has labs around the world, where researchers make breakthroughs on artificial intelligence, security, human-computer interaction, and more.

Microsoft collaborates with the academic community on joint research projects and programs.

Since 1991, research at Microsoft has supported basic research and an open and collaborative environment.

Researchers work in open communities on projects and technologies.

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