Tags: Biodiversity

All Categories (81-100 of 129)

  1. Biodiversity research using digitized, internet-based natural history collections

    17 Dec 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Kaitlin Stack Whitney

    Rochester Institute of Technology

    Collections based research is a critical tool for organismal biology and biodiversity research. Yet natural history collections have a complicated past. This multi-class module examines the...


  2. Suzanne Macey

    Suzanne Macey, Ph.D. is the manager of the Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners (NCEP) and a Biodiversity Scientist at the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC) at...


  3. bridgette clarkston


  4. Kathryn Weglarz


  5. Muriel E. Poston


  6. Shawn Krosnick


  7. Exploring how climate will impact plant-insect distributions and interactions using open data and informatics

    06 Jun 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Wendy Clement1, Kathleen Prudic2, Jeffrey Oliver3

    1. The College of New Jersey 2. University of Arizona 3. University of Arizona Libraries

    This teaching module provides an entry point for students to learn about data science, open data repositories (e.g., citizen science data), and species distribution modeling to study the effects of...


  8. Kurt Maximillian Neubig


  9. Investigating Biomes with BiomeViewer

    28 May 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Heather Olins

    Boston College

    This interactive classroom activity facilitates student learning about biodiversity through an investigation of biomes (what they are, how they're defined, their global distribution) using a free...


  10. Daniel Proud


  11. Quantifying and Visualizing Campus Tree Phenology

    18 Apr 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Nate Emery1, Caleb Trujillo1, Andrew Jarosz1, Tammy M Long1

    Michigan State University

    This lesson, published on CourseSource, enables collaborative teams to collect, quantify, and analyze observable seasonal changes in nature.


  12. Fantastic Birds and Where to Find Them

    20 Mar 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Molly Phillips1, Kathryn Green2

    1. iDigBio, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida 2. North Carolina Sate University

    5E lesson plan for middle/high school aligned to NGSS standards.


  13. Amphibian Diversity: Species Richness and Precipitation

    19 Mar 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Debra Linton1, Anna Monfils1, Molly Phillips2, Libby Ellwood3

    1. Central Michigan University 2. iDigBio, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida 3. iDigBio

    This activity will explore how natural history specimen data can be used to investigate the relationship between precipitation levels in a region and species diversity of amphibians.


  14. Liberating Data for Biodiversity Research

    19 Mar 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Libby Ellwood1, Austin Mast2

    1. iDigBio 2. Florida State University

    The objectives of this exercise are to familiarize you with the information content of biodiversity specimens and their labels, the breadth of that information across geographic space and/or time.


  15. Connecting Students to Citizen Science and Curated Collections

    18 Mar 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Anna Monfils1, Erica Krimmel2, Debra Linton1, Travis Marsico3, Ashley Morris4, Brad Ruhfel5

    1. Central Michigan University 2. iDigBio, Florida State University 3. Arkansas State University 4. Middle Tennessee State University 5. University of Michigan

    This educational module utilizes the traditional plant collection experience to engage students with biodiversity data protocols and resources available in our information-rich digital age.


  16. Islands as a Tool for Teaching Ecology and Evolution

    14 Jan 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Yadeeh Sawyer1, Libby Beckman1, Kayce Bell1, Joseph Cook1

    University of New Mexico

    Module for Ecology & Evolution course covering island biogeography principles, The scientific process and hypothesis testing, statistical methods (t-tests, regression), and online database use...


  17. Melinda Smith


  18. Matthew Helmus


  19. Kai Zhu


  20. Adaptation of Terrestrial Trophic Cascades & Population Structure to a Non-Major’s Ecology Course

    21 Dec 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By John Howard Starnes

    Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College

    In this activity, students will use data from natural parks to examine trophic cascades.
