Data-based inquiry in the Classroom using Authentic Research Data from the Dryad Digital Repository
Citation | Generic
Grayson, Kristine, Hale, Alison, Wu, X-Ben, (2016), "Data-based inquiry in the Classroom using Authentic Research Data from the Dryad Digital Repository", 2016 National Academies Special Topics Summer Institute on Quantitative Biology “Lowering the Activation Energy: Making Quantitative Biology More Accessible", : Raleigh, North Carolina, June, (DOI: )
Data-based inquiry in the Classroom using Authentic Research Data from the Dryad Digital Repository
Citation | Generic
Hale, Alison, Donovan, Sam, (2015), "Data-based inquiry in the Classroom using Authentic Research Data from the Dryad Digital Repository", National Association of Biology Teachers 2015 annual conference, : Providence, Rhode Island, November, (DOI: )