Tags: Linear and nonlinear analysis

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  1. Kinetics of a Highly Conserved Enzyme - Carbonic Anhydrase

    27 Aug 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Edward Orlando1, Stephen Miller2, Kathryn Monzo3, Lisa Feinman4

    1. Howard Community College 2. University of Maryland Baltimore County 3. Montgomery College 4. Community College Baltimore County

    This module contains exercises designed to introduce students to graphical representation of biological data. Students will explore the fundamental principles of enzyme kinetics including...


  2. Arnaja Mitra

    Arnaja Mitra is an upcoming postdoctoral researcher at the University of Maryland, having recently completed a PhD in Mathematics at the University of Texas at Dallas. Her doctoral research,...


  3. Roman Sznajder


  4. Brett Batson

    I retired as professor of Mechanical Engineering at Trine University.
