Tags: natural history education

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  1. Coloring and Keying Great Lakes Trees

    14 Feb 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Celeste Dufour

    Michigan State University

    In this set of activities, you will use the Michigan Trees Coloring book to learn and practice plant identification. You will also simulate some of the steps of specimen preparation by keying an d...


  2. Tamara Basham

    I am an Ecosystem Ecologist, who teaches Environmental Science at a community college in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area in Texas. After working in environmental consulting and academia for a number of...


  3. Robert E Furrow

    Contact: refurrow AT ucdavis DOT eduI have recently started as an Assistant Professor of Teaching in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology at the University of California, Davis. I teach a large...
