Tags: natural history museums

Citations (1-2 of 2)

  1. Integrating Natural History Collections into Undergraduate Education: Creating the Resources and Growing the Community

    Citation | Generic

    Monfils, Anna K., Ellwood, Elizabeth, Linton, Debra L., Phillips, Molly, Cook, Joseph, Kerski, Joseph, Barbaro, Tracy, Donovan, Sam, Powers, Karen, Prather, L. Alan, Guralnick, Rob, (2016), "Integrating Natural History Collections into Undergraduate Education: Creating the Resources and Growing the Community", GREEN MUSEUM – HOW TO PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH? 2016 SPNHC conference, : Berlin, Germany, June, (DOI: )

  2. Integrating Natural History Collections into Undergraduate Education: Creating the Resources and Growing the Community

    Citation | Generic

    Monfils, Anna K., Ellwood, Elizabeth, Linton, Debra L., Phillips, Molly, Cook, Joseph, Kerski, Joseph, Barbaro, Tracy, Donovan, Sam, (2016), "Integrating Natural History Collections into Undergraduate Education: Creating the Resources and Growing the Community", Botany 2016, : Savannah, Georgia, August, (DOI: )