Tags: NEON

All Categories (21-40 of 42)

  1. Backyard Beetles + Pollinators: EREN-NEON Flexible Learning Project

    18 Aug 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Kaitlin Stack Whitney

    Rochester Institute of Technology

    Students observe insect pollinators and other floral visitors in their backyards, or campus, or nearby natural areas to describe plant-pollinator networks and assess how the assemblages from their...


  2. Plants in the Human-Altered Environment (PHAE): EREN-NEON Flexible Learning Project

    07 Aug 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jason Kilgore1, Karen Kuers2

    1. Washington & Jefferson College 2. The University of the South

    A project to compare effects of a continuum of landscape alteration intensities on plant diversity, biomass, and ecosystem services, and to explore human socioeconomic connections to plants in the...


  3. Eric Sokol


  4. Sydne Record


  5. NEON Data in the Classroom: Using the QUBES Platform and Faculty Mentoring Networks to Build, Adapt, and Publish Data-Driven Open Educational Resources

    30 Jul 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Kusum Naithani1, Megan A. Jones2, Kristine Grayson3

    1. University of Arkansas 2. National Ecological Observatory Network 3. University of Richmond

    Poster on the NEON Faculty Mentoring Network presented at the 2019 BioQUEST & QUBES Summer Workshop


  6. National Ecological Observatory Network: A Data Source For Your Classroom

    11 Jul 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Megan A. Jones

    National Ecological Observatory Network

    Poster on NEON resources for use in research and education presented at the 2019 BioQUEST & QUBES Summer Workshop.


  7. National Ecological Observatory Network: A Data Source For Your Classroom

    26 Jun 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Megan A. Jones

    National Ecological Observatory Network

    Abstract for a poster on NEON resources for use in research and education presented at the 2019 BioQUEST & QUBES Summer Workshop.


  8. NEON Data in the Classroom: Using the QUBES Platform and Faculty Mentoring Networks to Build, Adapt, and Publish Data-Driven Open Educational Resources

    26 Jun 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Kusum Naithani1, Megan A. Jones2, Kristine Grayson3

    1. University of Arkansas 2. National Ecological Observatory Network 3. University of Richmond

    Abstract for poster on the NEON Faculty Mentoring Network presented at the 2019 BioQUEST & QUBES Summer Workshop


  9. Access NEON Data Using the Data Portal – A Visual Guide

    Collections | 17 Jan 2019 | Posted by Megan A. Jones Patterson


  10. Working with plant phenology data and fitting a nonlinear model using least squares in R

    21 Dec 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher1, Ahmed Hasan1

    University of Toronto

    A participatory live-coding lesson on working with NEON phenology data and fitting a sine-wave model todetermine when different species get and lose their leaves.


  11. Data Management Adaptation: Correlating Forest Community Dynamics to Climate

    19 Dec 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Sarah McCarthy-Neumann

    Alma College

    Students use vegetation structure data from the National Ecological Observatory Network to understand necessary steps of data management from data collection to data analysis by correlating...


  12. Nievita Bueno Watts


  13. Explore NEON Workshop: Opportunity for Graduate Students Interested in Using NEON Data

    28 Sep 2018 | Posted by Elia Crisucci

    Are you a graduate student, or do you know a graduate student, looking for a source of continental scale ecological data -- all available for free!? Interested in using National Ecological...


  14. Phoebe Zarnetske


  15. Data Management using National Ecological Observatory Network's (NEON) Small Mammal Data with Accompanying Lesson on Mark Recapture Analysis

    19 Jun 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jim McNeil1, Megan A. Jones2

    1. George Mason University; Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation 2. National Ecological Observatory Network

    Students use small mammal data from the National Ecological Observatory Network to understand necessary steps of data management from data collection to data analysis by estimating small mammal...


  16. National Ecological Observatory Network: A Data Source For Your Classroom

    15 Jun 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Megan A. Jones

    National Ecological Observatory Network

    Poster on the National Ecological Observatory Network and using NEON data and resources in your classroom presented at the 2018 QUBES/BioQUEST Summer Workshop


  17. Gaining familiarity with R and Work with NEON OS & IS data – Plant phenology & temperature - adaptation

    11 Jun 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Nancy Cowden

    Lynchburg College

    This adaptation introduces students to R and the NEON OS & IS data – Plant Phenology & Temperature tutorial. A planned extension will prompt students to develop a testable hypothesis, based on...


  18. Large Datasets in R - Plant Phenology & Temperature Data from NEON

    10 May 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Megan A. Jones1, Lee F. Stanish2, Natalie Robinson2, Katherine D. Jones2, Cody Flagg2

    1. National Ecological Observatory Network 2. National Ecological Observatory Network – Battelle

    This module series covers how to import, manipulate, format and plot time series data stored in .csv format in R. Originally designed to teach researchers to use NEON plant phenology and air...


  19. Data Management using National Ecological Observatory Network's (NEON) Small Mammal Data with Accompanying Lesson on Mark Recapture Analysis

    17 Apr 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jim McNeil1, Megan A. Jones2

    1. George Mason University; Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation 2. National Ecological Observatory Network

    Students use small mammal data from the National Ecological Observatory Network to understand necessary steps of data management from data collection to data analysis by estimating small mammal...


  20. NEON data in undergraduate ecology courses: Data skills and learning opportunities

    07 Mar 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Wendy Gram1, Megan A. Jones1

    National Ecological Observatory Network

    Presentation made by Wendy Gram et al. as part of the "Bringing Research Data to the Ecology Classroom: Opportunities, Barriers, and Next Steps” Session at the Ecological Society of America...
