Tags: nullclines

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  1. 6-068-VisualizingPredator-PreyCycles

    22 Aug 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Evan Cowden1, Maila Hallare1

    US Air Force Academy, USAFA CO USA

    In this modeling scenario, we propose a gentle introduction to limit cycles using nullcline analysis and a spreadsheet graphical approach via the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. We will be...


  2. 1-132-DigoxinElimination-ModelingScenario

    13 Aug 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Therese Shelton, Beulah Agyemang-Barimah1, Theresa Laurent2

    1. Cornell University, Ithaca NY USA 2. St. Louis College of Pharmacy, St. Louis MO USA

    We model the concentration of digoxin eliminated from the human body at a rate proportional to the concentration. This is a ``first-order reaction'' in the language of pharmacokinetics -- the study...


  3. 1-132-DigoxinElimination-ModelingScenario

    22 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Therese Shelton, Beulah Agyemang-Barimah1, Theresa Laurent2

    1. Cornell University, Ithaca NY USA 2. St. Louis College of Pharmacy, St. Louis MO USA

    We model the concentration of digoxin eliminated from the human body at a rate proportional to the concentration. This is a ``first-order reaction'' in the language of pharmacokinetics -- the study...


  4. 1-139-PlantsVsHerbivores-ModeliongScenario

    22 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Mary Vanderschoot

    Wheaton College, Wheaton IL USA

    In this activity, students will apply a variety of techniques for analyzing nonlinear systems (e.g., nullclines, linearization, and technologies for drawing phase portraits) to study...



    02 Apr 2015 |

    PPLANE is a tool for Phase Plane Analysis of a System of Differential Equations of the form: x' = dx/dt = f(x,y), y' = dy/dt = g(x,y).