Tags: ordinary differential equations

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  1. Dr. Heena Gandhi


  2. jose s mujica


  3. Sungju Moon


  4. 2018-Mohammed_Kaabar-A_Friendly_Introduction_to_Differential_Equations

    09 Mar 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Mohammed K A Kaabar

    Washington State University, Pullman WA USA

    In this book, there are five chapters: Laplace Transform, Systems of Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations, Methods of First and Higher Orders DEs, Extended Methods of First and Higher Orders...


  5. Mark Ian Nelson


  6. Chidella Srinivasa Rao


  7. Brody Dylan Johnson


  8. Wandi Ding


  9. Differential equation models of disease transmission

    10 May 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Winfried Just, Hannah Lea Callender

    In this module we explore ODE models of disease transmission and compare some of their predictions with those of agent-based models. Parts of this material will be referenced in later modules.Level: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics or biology.DownloadStudent copy (no...

  10. PPLANE

    02 Apr 2015 |

    PPLANE is a tool for Phase Plane Analysis of a System of Differential Equations of the form: x' = dx/dt = f(x,y), y' = dy/dt = g(x,y).