Tags: research

All Categories (21-40 of 52)

  1. Elleanor Pangilinan


  2. Swathi Sree Nandanavanam


  3. Richard Scott Pollenz


  4. 5Qs: An Activity to Support Students Develop Skills to Interpret Research Observations

    06 Aug 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Stephanie Conant1, Tom D'Elia2, Arturo Diaz3, Denise Monti4, Richard Pollenz5, Vassie Ware6, Kathy Takayama7, Viknesh Sivanathan7

    1. University of Detroit Mercy 2. Indian River State College 3. La Sierra University 4. University of Alabama at Birmingham 5. University of South Florida 6. Lehigh University 7. Howard Hughes Medical Institute

    5Qs (five questions) is a simple pedagogy tool research mentors can use to help students think through their observations systematically, to draw supported conclusions, and to decide on next steps,...


  5. Flying With Swallows – a Model for Undergraduate Research-Based Learning

    03 Aug 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Joanna Werner-Fraczek

    Moreno Valley College

    Moreno Valley College, a two-year community college in Southern California, experiences an annual migration of cliff swallows. The presence of these birds inspired the development of the...


  6. Failing (in order) to succeed: Exploring how students cope with science failures in research-based courses

    28 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Lisa Auchincloss Corwin

    University of Colorado Boulder

    Slides and related materials from the presentation given by Dr. Lisa Corwin as a part of the 2020 BIOME Institute.


  7. Growing from Tiny Earth: A model for interdisciplinary CUREs at Johnson County Community College

    20 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Heather Seitz1, Morgan Albright1

    Johnson County Community College

    This resource includes a video that highlights how Tiny Earth is implemented and a poster that shows independent research done by students after participating in the CURE courses.


  8. Fibroblast spheroids and other models of wound healing and infectivity

    20 Jul 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Victoria Virador1, Niloufar Alsadat Hassan Tehrani1, Spencer Adkins1, Alex Devlin1, Gabriel Virador1

    Montgomery College

    The goal of our research is to create a functional in vitro 3D model of skin for the purpose of experimentation.


  9. Kasey Nguyen


  10. Brian J Gadd


  11. Maurice Godfrey


  12. Daniel Venuto


  13. Joaquín De Juan


  14. Jonathan Ian Garcia Dator


  15. sherrie gallipeau


  16. Heslley Machado Silva

    Heslley Machado Silva was coordinator of the Project Biology teachers’ conceptions of three LatinAmerican countries about human’s place in nature and the human mind, University Center ofFormiga/MG,...


  17. Diane Sigalas


  18. Theory, models and biology

    25 Oct 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Wenying Shou1, Carl T. Bergstrom2, Arup K. Chakraborty3, Frances K. Skinner4

    1. Division of Basic Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, United States 2. Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, United States 3. Departments of Chemical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Engineering, and the Institute for Medical Engineering & Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, United States 4. Toronto Western Research Institute, University Health Network and the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

    Theoretical ideas have a rich history in many areas of biology, and new theories and mathematical models have much to offer in the future.


  19. Edilson Requena Rojas


  20. Research at the interface of mathematics and life and environmental science

    09 Jun 2017 | Posted by Carrie Diaz Eaton

    In the last couple of weeks, I have been traveling to workshops and conferences, experiencing the landscape of research at the interface of mathematics and life and environmental science. I see...
