Tags: Resources @ TIEE

Resources (1-8 of 8)

  1. Performing a Population Viability Analysis from Data Students Collect on a Local Plant

    23 Sep 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Noah Chamey, Sydne Record

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/264During two lab periods, students collect demographic data on perennial plants and then use these data in a matrix model to perform population viability analyses. During the first lab,...

  2. Global Temperature Change in the 21st Century

    23 Sep 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Daniel R. Taub, Gillian S. Graham

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/263The Ecological QuestionHow might global temperature change during the 21st century?  How might these changes vary geographically, seasonally, and depending upon future human...

  3. Exploring the Population Dynamics of Wintering Bald Eagles Through Long-Term Data

    23 Sep 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Julie Beckstead, Alexandra Lagasse, Scott Robinson

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/265The Ecological QuestionHow does a bald eagle population change over time at a winter migratory stopover and which factors influence its abundance?This activity has two different aspects to...

  4. Changes in Lake Ice: Ecosystem Response to Global Change

    23 Sep 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Robert E. Bohanan, Marianne Krasny, Adam Welman

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/266Ecological QuestionIs there evidence for global warming in long term data on changes in dates of ice cover in three Wisconsin Lakes?This activity uses ice cover records from three lakes in...

  5. Investigating the Footprint of Climate Change on Phenology and Ecological Interactions in North-Central North America

    23 Sep 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Kellen M. Calinger

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/267The Ecological QuestionHave long-term temperatures changed throughout Ohio? How will these temperature changes impact plant and animal phenology, ecological interactions, and, as a result,...

  6. Teaching Exponential and Logistic Growth in a Variety of Classroom and Laboratory Settings

    03 Aug 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Barry Aronhime, Bret D. Elderd, Carol Wicks, Margaret McMichael, Elizabeth Eich

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/268Ecology and conservation biology contain numerous examples of populations growing without bounds or shrinking towards extinction. For these populations, the change in the number of...

  7. Drivers of Avian Local Species Richness: Continental-Scale Gradients, Regional Landscape, or Local Land Cover?

    27 Mar 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Tom Langen

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/269An ecology laboratory focusing upon the concept of species richness and its study.From the module:  Students learn how to test hypotheses related to the local, regional, and continental...

  8. Exploring the Lotka-Volterra Competition Model using Two Species of Parasitoid Wasps

    25 Mar 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Christopher W. Beck, Judy A. Guinan, Lawrence S. Blumer, Robert W. Matthews

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/270Laboratory exercise in which students collect data on parasitoid wasps and fit Lotka-Volterra competition models.  The authors' abstract:"In this investigation,...