Tags: Society for Mathematical Biology

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  1. Erin McNelis


  2. Christina Edholm


  3. A collaborative approach to quantitative biology course reform: It's better than doing it all by yourself

    03 Jan 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jeremy M Wojdak

    Radford University

    This is the abstract of an oral presentation given at the Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA in 2015.


  4. A collaborative approach to quantitative biology course reform: It's better than doing it all by yourself

    19 Jul 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Jeremy M Wojdak

    This resource has been updated - find the current version here: https://qubeshub.org/publications/233This is the abstract of an oral presentation given at the Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA in 2015. "Faculty often experience two distinct problems as...

  5. CONFERENCE: QUBES preaches to the choir at the Society for Mathematical Biology in Atlanta, GA

    07 Jul 2015 | Posted by Jeremy M Wojdak

    John Jungck, Director of the Interdisciplinary Science Learning Center at the University of Delaware and long-time advocate for mathematical biology education, was a plenary speaker at SMB...


  6. A collaborative approach to quantitative biology course reform: It's better than doing it all by yourself

    Citation | Presentation

    Wojdak, Jeremy, (2015), "A collaborative approach to quantitative biology course reform: It's better than doing it all by yourself", Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, : Atlanta, GA, July, (DOI: )