Chris Badurek
Argenta Price
I am a lecturer in Stanford's Doerr School of Sustainability with a background in biochemistry/molecular biology and discipline based education research (research focus: problem-solving expertise).
Karla Fabiola Marín
David Gareth Channon
Erin Hardie
Eric Chapman
Philip Halliwell
PhD Sustainability Education
2000-Idels-Wang-Harvesting Fisheries Management Strategies With Modified Effort Function
02 Apr 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Lev Idels
This study concludes that a control parameter beta (the magnitude of the effect of the fish population size on the fishing effort function E), changes not only the rate at which the population goes...
11 Mar 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Lorelei Koss
Easter Island is a fascinating example of resource depletion and population collapse, and its relatively short period of human habitation combined with its isolation lends itself well to...
Jill Beyette
Michael Boller
Using the Project EDDIE Sustainability Metrics module in Exploring Earth
29 Jan 2023 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Anne Meltzer
Lehigh University
Students use GapMinder, an interactive data exploration and visualization tool, to assess human impact on Earth systems. Using the impact = population x affluence x technology (IPAT) framework...
Kyra N. Krakos
Gabriel Granco
Amanda Anne Rabatin
Aaron Koning
Making Change Sustainable: Network for Integrating Bioinformatics into Life Sciences Education (NIBLSE) Meeting Review
17 Jul 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Inimary Toby1, Jason Williams2, Guoqing Lu3, Chao Cai4, Keith A. Crandall5, Elizabeth A. Dinsdale6, Jennifer Drew7, Nicholas P. Edgington8, Carlos C. Goller9, Neal F. Grandgenett3, Barry J. Grant10, Charles Hauser11, Keith A. Johnson12, Christopher J. Jones13, Nathaniel K. Jue14, John R. Jungck15, Jacob Kerby16, Adam J. Kleinschmit17, Kathryn G. Miller18, William R. Morgan19, Barbara Murdoch20, George Noutsios21, Janelle Nunez-Castilla22, Mark Pauley23, William R. Pearson24, Sabrina D. Robertson25, Srebrenka Robic26, Anne Rosenwald27, Yee Mey Seah28, Marcia Shofner29, Michael Sierk30, Jessica Siltberg-Liberles22, Todd Smith31, Naomi A. Stover12, William Tapprich3, Eric W. Triplett7, Elizabeth F. Ryder*32
1. University of Dallas 2. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories 3. University of Nebraska at Omaha 4. Purdue University 5. George Washington University 6. Flinders University 7. University of Florida 8. Southern Connecticut State University 9. North Carolina State University 10. University of California San Diego 11. St. Edward's University 12. Bradley University 13. Moravian College 14. California State University Monterey Bay 15. University of Delaware 16. University of South Dakota 17. University of Dubuque 18. Washington University 19. The College of Wooster 20. Eastern Connecticut State University 21. Arizona State University 22. Florida International University 23. National Science Foundation 24. University of Virginia 25. University of North Carolina 26. Agnes Scott College 27. Georgetown University 28. University of Washington Medical Center 29. University of Maryland, College Park 30. Saint Vincent College 31. Digital World Biology 32. Worcester Polytechnic Institute
The purpose of the meeting described in this review was to decide how best to ensure the sustainability of the Network for Integrating Bioinformatics into Life Science Education (NIBLSE; pronounced...
Susan Hanisch
Sustainability and Justice: Challenges and Opportunities for an Open STEM Education
08 Feb 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Carrie Diaz Eaton1, Kaitlin Bonner2, Karen Cangialosi3, Bryan Dewsbury4, Maggie Diamond-Stanic5, Jason Douma6, Michelle Smith7, Jeremy M Wojdak8, Robin Taylor9
1. Bates College and QUBES 2. St. John Fisher College 3. Keene State College 4. University of Rhode Island 5. Bates College 6. University of Sioux Falls 7. Cornell University 8. Radford University 9. RTRES Consulting
Combining understanding of OER sustainability and equity and justice to carve out ideas for the future of STEM open education.
Alyssa Marie MacDonald