
Accessible Teaching in the Time of COVID-19

Blog post with some practical tips focusing on accessibility but that are also connected to UDL

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto FMNS- Universal Design for Learning

Education resources on Data Nugget website

On our Data Nugget website we have a Resources page where we collect all of the great education resources that have come to our attention over the years. We'll be sure to update it with all the suggestions you share here! 

The resources are organized by the science or math concepts addressed, and we have a list of other great educational program websites.

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HHMI BioInteractive teacher guide for math and stats

Topics include measures of average (mean, median, and mode), variability (range and standard deviation), uncertainty (standard error and 95% confidence interval), Chi-square analysis, student t-test, Hardy-Weinberg equation, frequency calculations, and more. 

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These modules introduce students (and anyone else who's interested) to the mathematical underpinnings of what they learn in introductory biology courses. But unlike a textbook, the modules are not full of equations and proofs. Instead, we try to bring math to life using intuitive approaches, everyday situations, and even humor. The modules contain hundreds of interactive activities, games, and questions. They range from the relatively simple (what to do with division) to the relatively abstruse (discrete diffusion models).

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Settler colonialism and pandemics

Native Americans misrepresented in health data pay a heavy COVID-19 price

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

The Science of Mentorship Podcast

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

The Science of Mentorship Podcast

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

How LGBT+ scientists would like to be included and welcomed in STEM workplaces

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

How LGBT+ scientists would like to be included and welcomed in STEM workplaces

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

STEM OER Accessibility Framework and Guidebook

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

STEM OER Accessibility Framework and Guidebook

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

Project BioDiversify

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Decolonizing Science: What is "Parachute Science?"

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

Decolonizing Science: What is "Parachute Science?"

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

Women Scientists Have the Evidence About Sexism

Centuries of bias have impeded the advance of human knowledge.

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

How Can STEM Disciplines and STEM Education Work in Concert to Address Systemic Racism and the COVID-19 Pandemic? Creating a New Normal for STEM Education

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

How Can STEM Disciplines and STEM Education Work in Concert to Address Systemic Racism and the COVID-19 Pandemic? Creating a New Normal for STEM Education

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Profile picture of Deborah Rook

Deborah Rook onto Resources

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Profile picture of Sarah Prescott

Sarah Prescott onto Resources

Data Management in Excel and R using National Ecological Observatory Network's (NEON) Small Mammal Data

Students use small mammal data from the National Ecological Observatory Network to understand necessary steps of data management from data collection to data analysis by re-organising excel sheets in an R-compatible format and doing basic analysis in R

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Profile picture of Amanda Braley

Amanda Braley onto BIOL 206 LAB

Estimating Tree Heights: Right Triangle Trigonometry

This module introduces basic trigonometry calculations in the context of understanding tree height calculations. It is intended for an introductory biology audience.

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Profile picture of Amanda Braley

Amanda Braley onto BIOL 206 LAB

NIQB Curriculum Map

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Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins onto Montgomery College QB resources


Gapminder identifies systematic misconceptions about important global trends and proportions and uses reliable data to develop easy to understand teaching materials to rid people of their misconceptions.

Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious, or economic affiliations.

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Information is Beautiful

Founded by David McCandless, author of two bestselling infographics books, Information is Beautiful is dedicated to helping you make clearer, more informed decisions about the world. All our visualizations are based on facts and data: constantly updated, revised and revisioned.

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Scientist Spotlight Initiative

The Scientist Spotlights Initiative empowers middle/high school, college, and university science educators to implement inclusive curricula that help ALL students see themselves in science. We provide access to easy-to- implement assignments/activities that link course content to the stories of counter-stereotypical scientists. 

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Information is Beautiful

Explore interactive graphs of various issues, including COVID 19.

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Profile picture of Kristin Jenkins

Kristin Jenkins onto Graphs