
Profile picture of Terrell R Morton

Terrell R Morton created this post

African Americans in evolutionary science: where we have been, and what’s next

n 2017 National Science Foundation data revealed that in the United States the professional biological workforce was composed of ~ 69.5% “whites”, 21.3% “Asians”, and only 3% “African American or Blacks” (National Science Founda- tion, 2017, There are problems with the categories themselves but without too deep an investigation of these, these percentages are representative of the demography of biology as a whole over the latter portion of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first century. However, evolutionary biologists would argue (and correctly so) that the representation of persons of African descent in our field is probably an order of magnitude lower (0.3%). This commentary focuses on the factors that are associ- ated with underrepresentation of African Americans in evolutionary science careers.

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Resources to Re-Envision UBE through Teaching and Mentoring

This collection serves as a space to gather and share various resources that currently exist that members of the REC Network use to support and enhance Black students learning, engagement, and retention in undergraduate biology education. Resources can include but are not limited to: 

- Mentoring Practices, Strategies, and Protocols

- Pedagogical Practices, Strategies, and Tools

- Content (e.g., Scientists Spotlights, Bio - Problems that align, etc.). 


16 posts

Profile picture of Terrell R Morton

Terrell R Morton