
DataCamp Course: Visualization Best Practices in R

Course Description

This course will help you take your data visualization skills beyond the basics and hone them into a powerful member of your data science toolkit. Over the lessons we will use two interesting open datasets to cover different types of data (proportions, point-data, single distributions, and multiple distributions) and discuss the pros and cons of the most common visualizations. In addition, we will cover some less common alternatives visualizations for the data types and how to tweak default ggplot settings to most efficiently and effectively get your message across.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Explore

DataCamp Course: Data Visualization with ggplot2 (Part 2)

Course Description

This ggplot2 tutorial builds on your knowledge from the first course to produce meaningful explanatory plots. We'll explore the last four optional layers. Statistics will be calculated on the fly and we’ll see how Coordinates and Facets aid in communication. Publication quality plots will be produced directly in R using the Themes layer. We’ll also discuss details on data visualization best practices with ggplot2 to help make sure you have a sound understanding of what works and why. By the end of the course, you’ll have all the tools needed to make a custom plotting function to explore a large data set, combining statistics and excellent visuals.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Explore

DataCamp Track: Data Visualization with R

Communicate the most important features of your data by creating beautiful visualizations using ggplot2 and base R graphics.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Explore

DataCamp Course: Data Visualization with ggplot2 (Part 1)

Course Description

The ability to produce meaningful and beautiful data visualizations is an essential part of your skill set as a data scientist. This course, the first R data visualization tutorial in the series, introduces you to the principles of good visualizations and the grammar of graphics plotting concepts implemented in the ggplot2 package. ggplot2 has become the go-to tool for flexible and professional plots in R. Here, we’ll examine the first three essential layers for making a plot - Data, Aesthetics and Geometries. By the end of the course you will be able to make complex exploratory plots.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Explore

DataCamp Course: Building Dashboards with shinydashboard

Course Description

Once you've started learning tools for building interactive web applications with shiny, this course will translate this knowledge into building dashboards. Dashboards, a common data science deliverable, are pages that collate information, often tracking metrics from a live-updating data source. You'll gain more expertise using shiny while learning to build and design these dynamic dashboards. In the process, you'll pick up tips to optimize performance as well as best practices to create a visually appealing product.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Communicate

DataCamp Course: Building Web Applications in R with Shiny: Case Studies

Course Description

After learning the basics of using Shiny to build web applications, this course will take you to the next level by putting your newly acquired skills into use. You'll get experience developing fun and realistic Shiny apps for different common use cases, such as using Shiny to explore a dataset, to generate a customized plot, and even to create a wordcloud. With all this practice and new knowledge, you should be inspired and well-equipped to develop Shiny apps for your own use!

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Communicate

DataCamp Course: Building Web Applications in R with Shiny

Course Description

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R. Shiny combines the computational power of R with the interactivity of the modern web. This course will take you from R programmer to Shiny developer. If you want to take a fresh, interactive approach to telling your data story, let users interact with your data and your analysis, and do it all with R, dive in!

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Communicate

DataCamp Course: Building Dashboards with flexdashboard

Course Description

Communication is a key part of the data science process. Dashboards are a popular way to present data in a cohesive visual display. In this course you'll learn how to assemble your results into a polished dashboard using the flexdashboard package. This can be as simple as adding a few lines of R Markdown to your existing code, or as rich as a fully interactive Shiny-powered experience. You will learn about the spectrum of dashboard creation tools available in R and complete this course with the ability to produce a professional quality dashboard.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Communicate

DataCamp Course: Reporting with R Markdown

Course Description

Learn how to write a data report quickly and effectively with the R Markdown package, and share your results with your friends, colleagues or the rest of the world. Learn how you can author your own R Markdown reports, and how to automate the reporting process so that you have your own reproducible reports. By the end of the interactive data analysis reporting tutorial, you will be able to generate reports straight from your R code, documenting your work — and its results — as an HTML, pdf, slideshow or Microsoft Word document.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Communicate

DataCamp Course: Introduction to Git for Data Science

Course Description

Version control is one of the power tools of programming. It allows you to keep track of what you did when, undo any changes you have decided you don't want, and collaborate at scale with other people. This course will introduce you to Git, a modern version control tool that is very popular with data scientists and software developers alike, and show you how it can help you get more done in less time and with less pain.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Program

DataCamp Course: Working with the RStudio IDE (Part 2)

Course Description

Learn how RStudio makes it easy to build your own R packages, how you can integrate with your favorite version control software like Git and GitHub for maximum productivity, and finally how to make use of tools like R Markdown, LaTeX, and Shiny for reporting your results to the relevant stakeholders.

This is the second part of a two-part course on how to use RStudio. Part 1 covers the basics of working with RStudio.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Program

DataCamp Course: Working with the RStudio IDE (Part 1)

Course Description

In the first part of this two-part RStudio tutorial, you will learn how to use RStudio, an IDE for R.

Chapter 1 will cover:

  1. how to install R Studio for Mac, Windows, or Linux
  2. how to run R code
  3. debugging in R

Chapter 2 will get into the features of the IDE geared toward making you a more effective R programmer, including code diagnostics and running scripts.

Finally, Part 1 finishes with a brief chapter on using RStudio projects for organizing and sharing your code with others.

In Part 2, you will learn how RStudio makes it easy to build your own R packages, integrate with GitHub, and use tools like R Markdown.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Program

DataCamp Course: Introduction to the Tidyverse

Course Description

This is an introduction to the programming language R, focused on a powerful set of tools known as the "tidyverse". In the course you'll learn the intertwined processes of data manipulation and visualization through the tools dplyr and ggplot2. You'll learn to manipulate data by filtering, sorting and summarizing a real dataset of historical country data in order to answer exploratory questions. You'll then learn to turn this processed data into informative line plots, bar plots, histograms, and more with the ggplot2 package. This gives a taste both of the value of exploratory data analysis and the power of tidyverse tools. This is a suitable introduction for people who have no previous experience in R and are interested in learning to perform data analysis.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Program

DataCamp Course: Writing Functions in R

Course Description

Functions are a fundamental building block of the R language. You've probably used dozens (or even hundreds) of functions written by others, but in order to take your R game to the next level, you'll need to learn to write your own functions. This course will teach you the fundamentals of writing functions in R so that, among other things, you can make your code more readable, avoid coding errors, and automate repetitive tasks.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Program

DataCamp Course: Intermediate R - Practice

Course Description

This follow-up course on Intermediate R does not cover new programming concepts. Instead, you will strengthen your knowledge of the topics in Intermediate R with a bunch of new and fun exercises.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Program

DataCamp Course: Intermediate R

Course Description

The intermediate R course is the logical next stop on your journey in the R programming language. In this R training you will learn about conditional statements, loops and functions to power your own R scripts. Next, you can make your R code more efficient and readable using the apply functions. Finally, the utilities chapter gets you up to speed with regular expressions in the R programming language, data structure manipulations and times and dates. This R tutorial will allow you to learn R and take the next step in advancing your overall knowledge and capabilities while programming in R.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Program

DataCamp Course: Introduction to R

Course Description

In this introduction to R, you will master the basics of this beautiful open source language, including factors, lists and data frames. With the knowledge gained in this course, you will be ready to undertake your first very own data analysis. With over 2 million users worldwide R is rapidly becoming the leading programming language in statistics and data science. Every year, the number of R users grows by 40% and an increasing number of organizations are using it in their day-to-day activities. Leverage the power of R by completing this R online course today!

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Program

DataCamp Course: Data Analysis in R, the data.table Way

Course Description

The R data.table package is rapidly making its name as the number one choice for handling large datasets in R. This online data.table tutorial will bring you from data.table novice to expert in no time. Once you are introduced to the general form of a data.table query, you will learn the techniques to subset your data.table, how to update by reference and how you can use data.table’s set()-family in your workflow. The course finishes with more complex concepts such as indexing, keys and fast ordered joins. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to use data.table in R for a more efficient manipulation and analysis process. Enjoy!

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Wrangle

DataCamp Course: Joining Data in R with dplyr

Course Description

This course builds on what you learned in Data Manipulation in R with dplyr by showing you how to combine data sets with dplyr's two table verbs. In the real world, data comes split across many data sets, but dplyr's core functions are designed to work with single tables of data. In this course, you'll learn the best ways to combine data sets into single tables. You'll learn how to augment columns from one data set with columns from another with mutating joins, how to filter one data set against another with filtering joins, and how to sift through data sets with set operations. Along the way, you'll discover the best practices for building data sets and troubleshooting joins with dplyr. Afterwards, you’ll be well on your way to data manipulation mastery!

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Wrangle

DataCamp Course: Exploratory Data Analysis in R: Case Study

Course Description

Once you've started learning tools for data manipulation and visualization like dplyr and ggplot2, this course gives you a chance to use them in action on a real dataset. You'll explore the historical voting of the United Nations General Assembly, including analyzing differences in voting between countries, across time, and among international issues. In the process you'll gain more practice with the dplyr and ggplot2 packages, learn about the broom package for tidying model output, and experience the kind of start-to-finish exploratory analysis common in data science.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Wrangle

DataCamp Course: Data Manipulation in R with dplyr

Course Description

In this interactive tutorial, you will learn how to perform sophisticated dplyr techniques to carry out your data manipulation with R. First you will master the five verbs of R data manipulation with dplyr: select, mutate, filter, arrange and summarise. Next, you will learn how you can chain your dplyr operations using the pipe operator of the magrittr package. In the final section, the focus is on practicing how to subset your data using the group_by function, and how you can access data stored outside of R in a database. All said and done, you will be familiar with data manipulation tools and techniques that will allow you to efficiently manipulate data.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Wrangle

DataCamp Skill Track: Data Manipulation with R

Master advanced concepts in data manipulation using powerful tools like dplyr and data.table to make your data science projects faster and more readable.

DataCamp Courses:

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Wrangle

DataCamp Skill Track: Importing & Cleaning Data with R

Learn how to parse data in any format. Whether it's flat files, statistical software, databases, or web data, you'll learn to handle it all.

DataCamp Courses:

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Wrangle

DataCamp Course: Importing & Cleaning Data in R: Case Studies

Course Description

Running exciting analyses on interesting datasets is the dream of every data scientist. But first, some importing and cleaning must be done. In this series of four case studies, you'll revisit key concepts from our courses on importing and cleaning data in R.

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Wrangle

DataCamp Course: Cleaning Data in R

Course Description

It's commonly said that data scientists spend 80% of their time cleaning and manipulating data and only 20% of their time actually analyzing it. For this reason, it is critical to become familiar with the data cleaning process and all of the tools available to you along the way. This course provides a very basic introduction to cleaning data in R using the tidyr, dplyr, and stringr packages. After taking the course you'll be able to go from raw data to awesome insights as quickly and painlessly as possible!

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Drew LaMar onto Data Life Cycle: Wrangle