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  • Created 14 Jun 2016

"Integrals/antiderivatives" 4 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Integral Table

A table of integrals to help make computing easier: 

Link to pdf:http://www.physics.umd.edu/hep/drew/IntegralTable.pdf

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Profile picture of Timothy John Beaulieu

Timothy John Beaulieu onto Integrals/antiderivatives

Integration using U substitution

Educational video on U substitution:

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Profile picture of Timothy John Beaulieu

Timothy John Beaulieu onto Integrals/antiderivatives

Integration by Parts

A video on Integration by parts:

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Profile picture of Timothy John Beaulieu

Timothy John Beaulieu onto Integrals/antiderivatives

Partial Fractions integration.

Here is a video on Partial Fraction integration:

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Profile picture of Timothy John Beaulieu

Timothy John Beaulieu onto Integrals/antiderivatives