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  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 04 Aug 2017

Adobe Connect Refresher 

Below are some instructions that detail how to tune into the live webinars. If you have any issues with your tech, please e-mail Claire Wilson at cwilson@asmusa.org.

Before the webinar:

  1. Test your connection by visiting the following link:
    http://admin.adobeconnect.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm. If possible, use the computer, wifi, and headphones you will use during the webinar.
  2. Review the following best practices:
    1. Remember to use the same computer you used for your tech check.

    2. Close ALL other programs running on your desktop.

    3. If available, use Internet Explorer as Adobe Connect works best on this platform.

    4. Use the opportunity to submit typed questions to the facilitators throughout the presentation. Participants’ microphones will not be enabled during the webinar and the hand-raising function will not be utilized at this time.

    5. Respond promptly to polling questions you will be asked by the facilitator throughout the presentation.

On webinar days:

  1. Go to http://asmeducation.adobeconnect.com/bspdber/ between 1:50 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EDT.
  2. Select “Enter as a Guest.”
  3. Type your first and last name into the box and select “Enter Room.” You must do this to be marked present.
  4. When you enter, please use the Q&A box to send a message to me. I will make sure you are able to see the slides/video and can hear the audio.


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