• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 28 Oct 2020

This is a list of the requirements of this Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). You must complete each of these items in order to receive the 2020 Molecular CaseNet Education Scholar certificate. Detailed instructions for sharing final products will be distributed in late-February but an overview of the expectations has been shared below.

  1. Be an active participant for the entirety of the network
  2. Implement a molecular case study in at least two class periods during the Spring 2021 semester OR Engage your students in developing molecular case studies
  3. Share your final products to the QUBES Hub

Be an active participant for the entirety of the network

To accomplish this goal, you must:

  • Attend all of your working group meetings
  • Post responses to assignment prompts in the forum and any online survey about the relevance, accessibility, and use of the molecular case studies
  • Post a reflection of your implementation in the forum and respond to surveys about your and your students' experiences with the case
  • Be a participant/facilitator for a working group meeting

Implement a molecular case study (preferably) over two class periods during the Spring 2021 semester

In the second part of the FMN if you decide to implement one of the molecular cases, you can do so with or without any modifications to the existing case. Your implementations should be done in at least two class periods of your Spring 2021 course(s). You may implement a small portion of the case, or the whole thing. You may even choose to implement parts of the case in separate courses (i.e. in your intro biology or chemistry course and also in your biochemistry course). If you have a question, please don't hesitate to ask one of your group leaders.

Engage your Students in Developing Molecular Case Studies

If you decide to develop a new molecular case study, you must participate in at least two of the following activities:

  • come up with the story - case idea
  • do literature research and gather materials for writing up the case
  • define subject/content specific learning objectives that is covered in the case
  • develop/identify suitable images/videos or other facts to engage the students in the case
  • identify relevant molecular structures/complexes that should be explored in the case
  • help write up a first complete draft of the case

Share your final products to the QUBES Hub

We ask that you share your teaching materials (teacher notes, curriculum materials, assessments, etc.) on the QUBES Hub site. We also ask that you share your instructor story with the community. More detailed instructions on this process will be posted in mid-February.

We understand that scheduling meetings for a group of very busy faculty participants is difficult. If you have an unexpected conflict and are unable to attend a meeting, please let your group leaders know in advance.