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  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 03 Jun 2023

This is a list of the requirements of this Incubator. You must complete each of these items in order to receive the OCELOTS Education Scholar Certificate. Detailed instructions for sharing final products will be distributed in late January to mid-March 2024, but an overview of the expectations has been shared below.

  1. Be an active participant for the entirety of the Incubator.
  2. Create a new OCELOTS module on the Gala platform, based on your research study, for which the data have been published.
  3. Present the draft of your OCELOTS module during a one-hour-long virtual workshop for friendly peer review, and revise your module as needed.
  4. Post on QUBES the abstract of your module and its Gala link.

Be an active participant for the entirety of the Incubator

To accomplish this goal, you must:

  • Attend the synchronous meetings of all module creators, to be held every other week. The first half of these 30-minute-long meetings will enable participants to share successes and address issues that have arisen. The second half will be devoted to discussing the topic for which ‘just-in-time’ materials have been posted.
  • Post responses to assignment prompts in the forum.

Create a new OCELOTS module on the Gala platform during Fall 2023 through Spring 2024

Authors will be responsible for creating a module based on their research, with the module hosted on the Gala platform. Please visit our website for information about Author Guidelines and examples of OCELOTS modules. For many, creating a module will require working in a team. Please identify your team members by September 1. These are the people who will collaborate or provide mentorship in areas such as pedagogy, the 4DEE framework, media and interactive data tools. The lead author will organize asynchronous meetings with their team members to work on creating the modules. Please contact Ann Russell (arussell@iastate.edu) if you need assistance in finding mentors or have any other questions about creating a module.

Present the draft of your OCELOTS module

A crucial part of creating a module is our friendly peer-review process, which starts with the author 'deploying' a draft of their module within Gala, thus allowing OCELOTS participants to post comments directly on the module. The module author then presents their module draft during a one-hour-long Zoom meeting – aka, the Networkshop – by mid-March 2024. This participatory process enables authors to improve their modules, and participants to gain insights about module creation in a congenial, collaborative way that is intended to catalyze the module-creation process and grow the community.

Post on QUBES the abstract of your module and its Gala link

We also ask that you share your module creation story with the community on the QUBES Hub site. For examples, see: OCELOTS Publications.

We understand that scheduling meetings for a group of very busy faculty participants is difficult. If you have an unexpected conflict and are unable to attend a meeting, please let your group leaders know in advance.