• Discoverability Hidden
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 03 Jun 2023

Proposed Schedule

**Please note that the schedule is tentative and is subject to change. Please check back often for updates.**

Meeting Notes

Ann and Suzanne will takes note during the meetings. The Notes and important links will be in our Incubator Box folder. These notes will be indispensable to all the participants as a running record throughout the Incubator.


Date                                Topic                Due before next meeting       Milestone

Where or Who

Week of 11 Sept

(1-hr long)

Kick-off Meeting


Module authors, topic, data sets for module identified in Checklist, in communication with Ann and Suzanne

Where: Worksheet template is in Group folder on Box. Your own editable worksheet is in your individual Box folder. 

Who: Module authors, Suzanne, Ann

Week of 25 Sept

(1-hr long)

  • Workshop on Backward Design (Learning Objectives, assessment and activities)
  • General Questions

Gala module Overview draft to share

Content on Gala, with Word doc back-up on Box. Template is here in Group folder. Editable version is in your individual Box folder.

Week of 9 Oct

(1-hr long)

  • Workshop on 4DEE, interactive data tools
  • General Questions
  • Read DEJI pageMedia pages, and Copyrights
  • Respond to Survey Question
  • Respond to Forum Question
  • Finalize Learning Objectives
  • Continue to work on module
Collaborators and needs for mentors for pedagogy, 4DEE, media, interactive data tools identified  Authors communicate with Ann and Suzanne about needs for mentors

Week of 23 Oct

(1-hr long)

  • Workshop on DEJI, Media and Copyright best practices
  • General Questions
  • Prepare for showing what you have in your Gala module thus far during our next meeting.
  • Respond to Survey Question
  • Respond to Forum Question
Learning Objectives and Outline for module drafted

Week of 6 Nov

(30 min long)

  • Show-and-tell your Gala module draft
  • General Questions
  • Read 'Assessment & Evaluation' page
  • Respond to Forum Question
  • Check in with mentor
  • Continue working on module
Draft of at least half the module content

Module on Gala

Word doc on Box

Week of 20 Nov

(30 min long)

  • Assessment questions?
  • Explain about Networkshop
  • Exchange ideas for improving modules
  • General Questions
  • Continue working on module
  • List some potential dates for your Networkshop (Jan 22-Mar 1)
  • Check out use of the HHMI data Explorer tool
Draft of the whole module's content

Module on Gala

Word doc on Box

Week of 4 Dec
  • Demo/discussion of HHMI Date Explorer tool
  • Schedule Networkshops
  • General Questions
  • Finalize draft of Teaching Guide
  • Continue to work on module

Assessments, teaching guide drafted

Networkshop scheduled

Module on Gala

Word doc on Box

Teaching Guide template is in Group folder on Box. Editable version is in your individual folder,

Dec 18-Jan 5
  • No group meetings, only individual meetings as needed
  • Asynchronous work on module
  • Continue to work on module
Module alignment with rubric checked

Module authors, but please ask Ann and Ed as questions arise.

Week of 8 Jan

(30 min long)

  • Discuss Networkshops, any other topics of interest, e.g., Teaching Guide
  • General Questions
  • Asynchronous work on module
  • Prepare for Networkshops


Jan 22 - March 1
  • Attend Networkshops - Dates TBD
  • Update module based on feedback after Networkshop
Draft of module ready for review on Gala and Box

Authors prepare content, reviewers review it.

Week of 4 March
  • Reunion after Networkshops
  • Discuss final publishing steps in QUBES and Gala
  • General Questions
  • Prepare and finalize publication on QUBES
  • Update Word text for your module, store it in Box folder
  • Make a pdf of final Gala version, store it in Box
Final draft of module ready for review on Gala and Box

Where: Module on Gala; Word doc on Box

QUBES pub template is in Group folder. Editable version is in your individual folder.

Who: reviewers check over module

  • Individual (or group) meetings as needed, on topics of interest
  • Address reviewers' comments

Reviewers comments addressed

Module published on Gala

Module Abstract published on QUBES

Module on Gala

Word doc on Box