• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 06 Oct 2022
  • Proposed Schedule

**Please note that the schedule is tentative and is subject to change. Please check back often for updates.**

Meeting Notes

Ann and Suzanne will takes notes during the meetings. The Notes and important links will be in our FMN Box folder.  These notes will be indispensable to all the participants as a running record throughout the FMN.


Date                                Topic                Due before next meeting       Milestone

Where or Who

Week of 8 Jan


Kick-off Meeting




Week of 22 Jan
  • Discuss Implementation Plan
  • General Questions


Box folder:


Week of 5 Feb
  • Discuss Teaching Notes
  • General Questions
Implementation Plan drafted  
Week of 19 Feb
  • Discuss Learning Objectives
  • General Questions
  • Read 4DEE
  • Post questions in Forum
  • Continue implementing module
Week of 5 Mar
  • Discuss 4DEE
  • General Questions
Week of 19 Mar
  • Discuss Pedagogy & Engagement
  • General Questions
  • Optional: Attend Networkshop on new module on forest restoration. 
  • Read DEIJ
  • Post questions in Forum
  • Continue implementing module
  • Update Implementation Plan and Teaching Notes
  Gala, with Word doc on Box
Week of 26 Mar
  • Optional: Attend zoom meeting for entire OCELOTS network to provide feedback on a newly created OCELOTS module, aka 'Networkshop'


Week of 2 Apr
  • Discuss DEIJ
  • General Questions
Prepare your Teaching Notes  


Week of 9 Apr
  • Optional: Attend Networkshop

Finalize draft of Teaching Notes

Look over 'Publishing on QUBES' folder on Box



Week of 16 Apr
  • Discuss publishing your implementation materials on QUBES
  • Optional: Attend Networkshop
Use docs from 'Publishing on QUBES' folder on Box Teaching Notes

Word doc on Box


Abstract on QUBES

Week of 23 Apr
  • Share experiences
  • Optional: Attend Networkshop

Finalize draft of Abstract

'Publishing on QUBES' folder on Box



Week of 30 Apr
  • Shareexpereiences
  • Closing meeting
  Abstract published on QUBES

Word doc on Box

Abstract on QUBES