
Pam Bishop's talk on assessing networks at the RCN-UBE Summit

Pam Bishop of NIMBioS gave a talk on network assessment at the RCN-UBE Summit in Washington, DC, January 2016.  The slides in PDF form are attached.

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What Makes Networks Work

This is a Powerpoint presentation which motivated a panel discussion on "What Makes Networks Work?" at the RCN-UBE Summit at AAAS in January 2016.

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EREN contributions to biological science

A presentation given by Laurel Anderson on EREN (Ecological Research and Education Network) contributions to science, given at the RCN-UBE meeting in January 2016.

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RCN-UBE Summit Introduction Talk Christopher R Meyer

This short talk provides some brief history and perspective about networks, RCNs, and the RCN-UBE program. Notes from a report from the 2005 RCN awardees meeting (when the RCN program was similar in size to the current RCN-UBE) were shared in which the participants shared best practices and identified some elements of successful RCNs. Some information about the past and current RCN-UBE portfolio were shared and some representative past awards highlighted. The talk ends with a list of goals that calls for a vision for the future, recommendations for best practices (targeting all stakeholders), continuing networking and communication, and a report summarizing our conversations and ideas.

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From Susan

Here is the link to the report I referenced:

Also, here are some of the Kezar pubs that are in press where people might find more information (besides the report above): 

  • Kezar, A. & Gehrke, S. (in press).  Lasting STEM reform: Sustaining non-organizationally located communities of practice focused on STEM reform.  Journal of higher education.
  • Kezar, A. Gehrke, S., &  Bernstein, S.  (in press).  Designing for success in STEM communities of practice:  Philosophy and personal interactions.  Review of higher education.  
  • Gehrke, S. & Kezar, A. (in press).  The benefits of STEM reform through communities of transformation. Change.


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Our primary goal is to create a community interested in the science and the teaching of the science of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP).  Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the HMP project examines the diversity of microbes associated with humans.

Learn more...

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto Links to share

NIBLSE: Network for Integrating Bioinformatics into Life Sciences Education

The long-term goal of this project is to establish bioinformatics as an essential component of undergraduate life sciences curricula nationwide.

Website Abstract Poster

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

Collaborative Workshop; Minneapolis, MN

Faculty from seven institutions, including two community colleges, two undergraduate colleges, a MS-granting university, and two PhD-granting universities will participate in a workshop to share and develop ideas regarding the use of genome annotation as a tool to involve undergraduate biology students in meaningful research.


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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

Animated Discussions: Biologists and Visual Artists Foster Learning through Animations

This RCN-UBE project will bring together animation teams to discuss multiple aspects of animation in biological education and to see if there is potential for a large-scale collaborative network.


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Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

VABCN: Visual Analytics in Biology Curriculum Network

This project establishes the Visual Analytics in Biology Curriculum Network (VABCN)--an international network of multidisciplinary researchers, educators and students who are developing approaches for incorporating visual analytics into biology undergraduate education. Visual analytics is defined as the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces.


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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

Planning a Research Network on Assessing Learning Technologies in Undergraduate Biology Education

This project will plan a research collaboration network to explore and share strategies used in assessing the effectiveness on student learning of technology interfaces between faculty and students in undergraduate biology education.


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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

Open Science: An education network in Ethnobiology to coordinate the development of a new culture in the undergraduate science classroom

The Botanical Research Institute of Texas will develop an interdisciplinary network of scientists and other professionals to explore the use of emergent web-based technologies to facilitate continual exchange of educational techniques, materials, and experiences in ethnobiology.

Website Abstract

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Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

PECOP: Growing a Physiology Education Community of Practice

This incubator project is establishing the Physiology Educators Community of Practice (PECOP) which centers primarily on undergraduate education, but encompasses multiple teaching levels (K-12, grad/professional), including international and novice educators. 


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Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

Biology Teaching Assistant Project (BioTAP 2.0): Advancing Research, Synthesizing Evidence

The project is building a sustainable collaborative network to support, synthesize, and disseminate biology Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Teaching Professional Development (TPD) research results and to advocate for community TPD standards with the potential to increase the effectiveness of GTA TPD nationwide.


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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

The Case Study and PBL Network

This project supports the development of a Research Coordination Network for Undergraduate Biology Education centered on expanding the use of and knowledge about two effective teaching approaches: case studies and problem based learning (PBL).

Website Abstract

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

QUBES: An online networking hub for collaboration, discovery, and synthesis in quantitative biology curricula

The purpose of this RCN-UBE incubator project is to create a central online hub for biologists and mathematicians to collaborate to improve students' understanding of quantitative reasoning.

Website Abstract

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

CUREnet: Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences Network

This project will create a network of people and programs that are creating course-based undergraduate research experiences (CURE) in biology as a means of helping students understand core concepts in biology, develop core scientific competencies, and become active, contributing members of the scientific community.


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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

Enhancing Data Discovery and Usability for Inquiry in Biology Education

This RCN-UBE project will bring together two communities critical in expanding student access to authentic science experiences: managers of data repositories and education specialists. Representatives from at least 15 organizations will participate in a two-day workshop to discuss strategies for enhancing data discovery and usability, to propose standards for data sharing, and to make recommendations for incorporating authentic data in inquiry-based teaching in biology.

Website Abstract

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs

GCAT-SEEK: The Genome Consortium for Active Undergraduate Research and Teaching Using Next-Generation Sequencing

GCAT-SEEK aims to generate and use massively parallel sequencing data associated with the research interests of network members as the catalyst for producing innovative and broadly disseminated educational modules that offer authentic research experiences to students.

Website Abstract

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto RCN-UBEs