Quantitative Biology Education Summit
February 6 & 7, 2014
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)
NOTE: This schedule is actively being developed and will be refined over time.
Friday, February 6th
8:00 AM Breakfast at NESCent
9:00 AM Welcome, Meeting Overview, and Introduction to Meeting Organizers
9:15 AM Group Introductions - Mixer
9:45 AM How Did We Get Here? A quick overview of the projects supporting this meeting
10:05 AM Introduction to QUBESHub as a Meeting Tool
10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM Creative Thinking Activity
11:15 AM Identification of Breakout Groups
11:30 AM Select a Breakout Group to Join for Catered Lunch
Consider addressing these questions:
- Given current resources, what are the low-hanging objectives or targets?
- What are worthy problems for longer investment?
- What are perennial problems that we might address?
- Who are our target audiences (in terms of both faculty and students)?
- Who are our allies? Which professional societies would be interested? What other groups should we align or collaborate with?
- Where are there areas of overlap?
- Which ideas are worth pursuing but require further planning?
- Are there any emergent ideas?
1:30 PM Whole Group Report/Feedback
2:00 PM Select a Second Breakout Group (break built into this session)
Consider addressing these questions:
- Given the current resources, what are the low hanging objectives/targets?
- some of the low hanging fruit might just require a 30 min discussion - don’t take the time to do it but frame the task and share it with the whole group for buy-in.
- Are there activities that QUBES or other groups can take the lead on for immediate action?
- What are worthy problems for longer investment?
- What are perennial problems that we might address?
- Who are our target audiences (in terms of both instructors and students)?
- Who are our allies? Which professional societies would be interested? What other groups should we align/collaborate with?
- Where are there areas of overlap?
- Which ideas are worth pursuing but require further planning?
- Any emergent ideas?
4:00 PM Whole Group Report/Feedback
4:30 PM Written Reflection
5:00 PM NESCent Scholars Happy Hour
6:30 PM Dinner at local restaurant AND Catered Dinner for the QUBES Board and Leadership Team
9:00 PM Shuttle to Duke Towers
Saturday, February 7th
8:00 AM Breakfast at NESCent
9:00 AM Quick Check-In About Personal Reflections and Resources
9:15 AM Select a Breakout Group to Join
9:30 AM Breakout Group
11:30 AM Whole Group Report
12:00 PM Catered lunch
1:00 PM Return to Breakout Group - Discussion of breakout summaries, identification of the key ideas and next steps
Discussion of breakout summaries, identification of the key ideas and next steps:
- Summaries should address these questions/ideas:
- Given the current resources, what are the low hanging objectives/targets
- What are worthy problems for longer investment?
- What are perennial problems that we might address?
- Who are our target audiences (in terms of both instructors and students)?
- Who are our allies? Which professional societies would be interested? What other groups should we align/collaborate with?
- Where are there areas of overlap?
- Are there activities that QUBES or other groups can take the lead on for immediate action?
- Which ideas are worth pursuing but require further planning?
- Any emergent ideas?
- Describe any specific activities that participants will be pursuing?
2:30 PM Break
3:00 PM TBD
4:30 PM Final Reflections
5:00 PM Meeting ends*
*Many of us will travel on Sunday so we will have access to NESCent on Saturday evening to continue working.