Your 9 publication(s) have been accessed a total of 4150 times to date.

Additional Figures of the Day - Parasitology published 30 May 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project BIOMAAP 2019 Final Products
Current monthSep 2024 Previous monthAug 2024 Total to date**since 30 May 2019
1 52 1536
0 11 373
BioGraphI FMN Leader Guide (Template version) - Google Docs published 22 Jul 2024 in Teaching Materials | from project BioGraphI Supplements
Current monthSep 2024 Previous monthAug 2024 Total to date**since 22 Jul 2024
1 51 84
0 79 91
BioGraphI Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Tool - Google Docs published 02 Jul 2024 in Teaching Materials | from project BioGraphI Supplements
Current monthSep 2024 Previous monthAug 2024 Total to date**since 02 Jul 2024
1 54 108
0 20 32
BIOME 2021 QSSI Lightning talk published 06 Dec 2021 in Teaching Materials | from project QSSI- Quant Skills & Science Identity
Current monthSep 2024 Previous monthAug 2024 Total to date**since 06 Dec 2021
0 22 822
0 24 524
Faculty Mentoring Networks: Community Professional Development for the Digital Age published 04 Dec 2020 in Teaching Materials | from project pub-10mx9ciqwd
Current monthSep 2024 Previous monthAug 2024 Total to date**since 04 Dec 2020
0 29 994
0 16 792
Faculty Mentoring Networks: Community Professional Development for the Digital Age published 10 Jul 2020 in Teaching Materials | from project Not a Working Group (BIOME Institute Resource Posting)
Current monthSep 2024 Previous monthAug 2024 Total to date**since 10 Jul 2020
0 40 1290
0 9 278
Faculty Mentoring Networks: Community Professional Development for the Digital Age published 17 Jul 2019 in Teaching Materials | from project 2019 Summer Workshop Presentations, Posters, & Products
Current monthSep 2024 Previous monthAug 2024 Total to date**since 17 Jul 2019
0 39 1637
0 17 277
Scientist Spotlights and Data Nuggets Workshop Materials (BIOME 2021) published 29 Jul 2021 in Teaching Materials | from project Posters & WIPs
Current monthSep 2024 Previous monthAug 2024 Total to date**since 29 Jul 2021
1 20 1315
0 8 943
The struggle is valid: Increasing student science identity and quantitative skills published 13 Jul 2022 in Teaching Materials | from project BIOME 2022 Presentations
Current monthSep 2024 Previous monthAug 2024 Total to date**since 13 Jul 2022
0 26 823
0 17 393