
  • Organization
    University of Utah

  • Employment Status
    Graduate Student

  • Telephone


  • Reason
    Using in an existing course

  • Address
    address1:936 East Place
    city:Salt Lake City

  • Biography

     I received a BS in microbiology and immunology from Colorado State in 2013. While there, I spent four years in William Black IV’s lab studying the gene flow of insecticide resistance alleles within populations of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, and its consequences for host seeking-behavior. Upon graduating, I spent several months field testing tick traps for a military contractor in the foothills of Colorado, but was growing tired of being a blood-meal for work. In the fall of 2014 I entered the molecular biology graduate program at the University of Utah with the intent of exploring host-pathogen interactions more at the molecular level, and the long-term goal of becoming an educator. There, I joined Jessica Brown’s lab and began projects focused on elucidating mechanisms behind the extrapulmonary dissemination of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. We are particularly interested in the regulation of immunosuppressive fungal exopolysaccharides and their role in pathogenesis.

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