
Spring 2021 FMN Announcement: EREN-NEON Flexible Learning Projects Faculty Mentoring Network

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EREN-NEON Flexible Learning Projects Faculty Mentoring Network:

Teaching Ecology During A Pandemic

Applications Due: November 20, 2020

Are you interested in retaining an element of field ecology in your course while still teaching online or in a hybrid environment? Apply now to join us for the EREN-NEON Flexible Learning Projects Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN), a semester-long professional development opportunities designed to engage faculty from around the country (or world!) to enhance your teaching.

Field ecology, which is usually taught through high-contact, in-person experiences at specific field sites, must be adapted to a virtual platform that allows students to collect data in a socially distanced way in diverse locations, including backyards, curbside verges, urban parks, farm fields and campus grounds. Ideally, these data should be connected to a real, scientifically relevant hypothesis so that students are learning in the context of a problem-based, authentic research experience. Through a collaboration between the Ecological Research as Education Network (EREN) and the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), faculty teams have developed four projects in field ecology that teach ecological concepts and skills.  During this FMN, participants will implement and provide feedback on at least one of the these projects.

Space is limited and applications are due November 20. Please see for more details and application!

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