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Lesson VII - Synteny

Author(s): Gaurav Arora1, Anne Rosenwald2, Vinayak Mathur3

1. Gallaudet University 2. Georgetown University 3. Cabrini University

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The lesson teaches about synteny or the order of genes along a chromosome, which is useful for looking at orthologous genes between two species or strains.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 3.0 - published on 05 Aug 2020 doi:10.25334/SGQF-1W47 - cite this


The lesson contains a powerpoint slide deck, an exercise (which requires the download of a piece of free software called Mauve - directions are included), and the key to the exercise. 


Materials were updated summer 2020 to reflect changes to the external tools cited in the lesson. 

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