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Data Analysis and Cancer

Author(s): Lynn Marie Diener

Mount Mary University

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This is a flipped classroom approach, students will learn the basic content about cell-signaling, p53, and transcription factors before class. During class students will focus on data analysis applying what they learned to their interpretation of…


This is a flipped classroom approach, students will learn the basic content about cell-signaling, p53, and transcription factors before class. During class students will focus on data analysis applying what they learned to their interpretation of the data

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Version 1.0 - published on 18 Dec 2019 doi:10.25334/BTAS-Z679 - cite this

Adapted from: The p53 Gene and Cancer v 1.0


Students approach this activity in a flipped classroom model. They will complete the p53 Gene and Cancer Click and Learn from HHMI Biointeractives along with an interactive power point about cell signaling.  In order to ensure that students have completed the pre-class material they will take an online quiz before class. In class students will work together in small groups to go over the worksheet of questions relating to the Role of p53 in the Cell Cycle Data Point activity from HHMI Biointeractive. The click and learn and power point helps to give student background information on both cell signaling and the cell cycle. The data point activity helps students to integrate that knowledge with data analysis and interpretation. In the data point activity students analyze and interpret data, develop a hypothesis and develop follow up studies based on data. 


This activity went well in my classroom and the feedback was largely positive, the click and learn and the quiz were highly rated by students. You can either put the quiz online in your LMS and have students do it before coming to class or hand it out on paper and have students do it before they do the data analysis worksheet. You do not need to use the interactive powerpoint included, you can do an in-class lecture to inform students about cell-signaling and communication or an online recorded lecture. Whatever fits into your class time and preference is great. 

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