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Hemoglobin cooperativity and adaptations to high altitude living

Author(s): Alida Janmaat

University of the Fraser Valley

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This resource accompanies the "How does blood carry oxygen?" chapter in the Integrating Concepts in Biology etext. Students evaluate the cooperativity of hemoglobin and adaptations to high altitude living.

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Version 1.0 - published on 05 Jun 2020 doi:10.25334/695C-Q843 - cite this


Students examine the oxygen binding affinity of hemoglobin through the oxygen dissociation curve, Hill equation and Hill plot.  Students then apply their knowledge to new scenarios in a take-home assignment and through an in-class case study on adaptations to high altitude living.  The resource includes two worksheets, a set of accompanying powerpoint lecture slides, and a take-home assignment. 

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