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Yeast Scramble Lab Manual

Author(s): Mark Jones, Lisa Scheifele1

Loyola University Maryland

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This laboratory manual includes protocols for SCRaMbling of yeast cells as well as phenotypic characterization. Appropriate student exercises are also included. This resource was developed as part of NSF Award #1827204, RCN-UBE: The Build-a-Genome…


This laboratory manual includes protocols for SCRaMbling of yeast cells as well as phenotypic characterization. Appropriate student exercises are also included. This resource was developed as part of NSF Award #1827204, RCN-UBE: The Build-a-Genome Network

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 28 Jul 2020 doi:10.25334/9N64-QR80 - cite this


The Synthetic Yeast Project Sc2.0 developed synthetic yeast chromosomes with LoxPsym sites scattered throughout the chromosomes. By inducing the expression of Cre recombinase, new chromosome configurations can be generated in yeast cells. This population can then be screened for enhanced or altered phenotypes.

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