S-JEDI Learning Group Resource
Author(s): Carrie Diaz Eaton1, Jasmine Roberts2, Pat Marsteller3, Maggie Diamond-Stanic4
1. Bates College and QUBES 2. The Ohio State University 3. Emory University 4. Bates College
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This resource provides a currated collection of readings and videos, activities, and discussion prompts to guide a 6 week learning group. The intended outcome of this S-JEDI learning curriculum is to improve STEM postsecondary education through a centering of social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (“S-JEDI”) pedagogically, curricularly and structurally. This resource is appropriate for peer learning communities that focus on examining social justice, equity, and race/racism in open education resource organizations. It is specifically geared to organizational leaders in open education interested in a peer learning community around race, racism, and STEM education, but is applicable and adaptable to a broader audience as well.
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Eaton, C. D., Roberts, J., Marsteller, P., Diamond-Stanic, M. (2020). S-JEDI Learning Group Resource. Sustainability Challenges for Open Resources to promote an Equitable Undergraduate Biology Education (SCORE-UBE), QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/XXGX-8192