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Analysis of Amylase Activity

Author(s): Allison Carter Burlyn1, Christina Fieber1, Melanie Lenahan2

1. Horry-Georgetown Technical College 2. Raritan Valley Community College

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Upon completion of this lab activity, the student will be able to:

  • Describe the components of an enzymatic reaction.
  • Communicate the function of an enzyme’s active site and its relationship to the substrate.
  • Describe the relationship between an enzyme’s structure and its function.
  • Explain the relationship between maltose produced and enzymatic (amylase) activity.
  • Analyze the effect of environmental factors on enzymatic activity.
  • Define absorbance and transmittance and utilize data obtained with a spectrophotometer.
  • Describe the relationship between absorbance and concentration.
  • Construct a standard curve using known amounts of maltose.
  • Utilize a standard curve to determine enzyme activity of the experimental amylase.

Adapted from Amylase Activity Lab, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD (doi:10.25334/VKGJ-VT46).

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