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Final Project for Calling Bull

Author(s): Carrie Diaz Eaton

Bates College

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This is the final project for the calling bull course & it is to find 3 pieces of misinformation/BS and debunk them. They have to re-do at least one visualization, use R in at least one debunking, and publicly refute at least one piece.

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Version 1.0 - published on 11 Jun 2021 doi:10.25334/XJM4-V407 - cite this


This is the final project for the calling bull course & it is to find three pieces of misinformation/BS and debunk them. They have to re-do at least one visualization, use R in at least one debunking, and publicly refute at least one piece.  This results in a final portfolio. This is meant to follow a series of case studies and data camp tutorials on R and data viz, so students coming into this class are familiar with basic programming in R and the basics of data types/storage and base plot.

The file given is a word file - there is specific language for institutional resources mentioned, so you may want to tailor that. I allow students to complete multiple criteria with just one piece, but then they still need three pieces total - they just can use any technique they want for the debunking.  For public refutation, I ask them to consider context - if they saw it on social media, debunk it there, if it was in person, go back to that person and then tell me what you said and their reaction, or maybe you just saw something in the wild and want to generally expose it.  I also tell them that if the BS occurs in a language other than English that they should definitely prepare the rebuttal in the appropriate language for the context, but to provide me with a translation.

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